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Ganache for drip cake

recipe Ganache for drip cake

Time to prepare:

Time to cook:

Difficulty: Average

Ingredients (6 persons):

180 g white chocolate compound60 ml cooking creamgel colorYou can use other kinds of cream but just adjust the consistency

How to prepare:

1. Place white chocolate and cream in a bowl and heat in a microwave. Mix well and let cool a bit to room temp.

2. Add in preferred color and mix until you reach your desired color.

3. Make sure the cake has been coated and chilled in the refrigerator.

4. You can test consistency of the ganache and pour a single stream using a spoon on the side of the cake. If it holds on to the side then it's perfect.

5. Pour some more onto the cake using a spoon, then cover the top and let it settle.

Posted by dancingalmonds -