My Very Own Bulalo
I've thought of something to cook for a weekend.. Easy as 1..2..3.. its the simplest dish, indeed! its best for cold days.
Time to prepare:
Time to cook:
Difficulty: Average
Ingredients (3 persons):
2 lbs beef shank1 pc small cabbage1 small Pechay3 pcs Corn, cutPepper1 whole white onionounces water2 tbsp fish sauce (optional)
How to prepare:
In a big cooking pot, pour in water and bring to a boil
Put-in the beef shank followed by the onion and pepper
then simmer for 1. 5 hours (30 mins if using a pressure cooker)
or until meat is tender.
Add the corn, potataoes, cabbage & fish sauce and simmer for another 10 minutes
Serve hot.
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Please Try this Bulalo recipe and let me know and share what you think.
Keywords: bulalo, pinoydish
Posted by MajLife Blogs
Thanks for the thumbs up!

Uy, perfect for rainy season